international Conference on ..
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Invited speakers

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29.01. and 30.01.12

Taking place at the Balint conference room.

Please bring along an A0 poster size, preferably portrait shape.


from 29.01.-03.02.2012

Centro Stefano Franscini
Monte Verità
Via Collina 84
6612 Ascona, Switzerland

Sitemap and arrival

Background and History
Hans Schmid
Dept. of Inorganic, Analytical and Applied Chemistry, University of Geneva (emeritus)
A history of multiferroics
Nicola Spaldin
Dept. of Materials, ETH Zurich (organizer)
Recent developments in multiferroics
Tsuyoshi Kimura
Division of Materials Physics, Osaka University

How to find and synthesize new multiferroics showing strong magnetoelectric coupling
1. Synthesis of magnetically-induced ferroelectrics (mainly perovskite manganites, and triangular lattice antiferromagnets)
2. Synthesis of magnetically-induced ferroelectrics (ferrites and others)

Jean-Marc Triscone
Condensed Matter Physics Department, University of Geneva
Synthesis and properties of ferroic thin-films and heterostructures
Manfred Fiebig
Dept. of Materials, ETH Zurich
1. Investigation of magnetoelectric correlations with nonlinear optics
2. Magnetoelectric correlations in multiferroics
Michel Kenzelmann
Laboratory for Developments and Methods, Paul Scherrer Institute (organizer)

Neutron studies and symmetry aspects of multiferroics

Overview of the use of neutron scattering to study magnetic phenomena in multiferroics materials.
Particular focus on the determination of magnetic structures using neutron diffraction in combination with proper symmetry analysis of possible structures.

Jens Kreisel
Materials and Engineering Physics, CNRS Grenoble
1. Introduction to Raman scattering
2. The effect of pressure on multiferroic materials
Ekhard Salje
Dept. of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University
Properties of multiferroic interfaces and domain boundaries
Dipankar Das Sarma
Dept. of Solid State Chemistry, IISC, Bangalore
1. What can we learn about multiferroics from high energy photoemission?
2. Effects of disorder on magneto-dielectric coupling
Craig Fennie
Dept. of Materials Science, Cornell University
1. First-principles design of new magnetoelectrics
2. Using electronic structure methods to explain properties of multiferroics
Ekhard Salje
Dept. of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University
Theory of domains and domain walls in multiferroics

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